
RightMind 1.0 Weight Loss & Fitness Strengthening for Packaged Food

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The RightMind™ 1.0 Weight Loss and Fitness Strengthening   Program  for Your Mind & Brain designed specifically for users of PACKAGED FOOD PROGRAMS such as Jenny Craig, NutriSystems, Weight Watchers, Optifast, and others.... a 4-Track Digital-Download or Stream... Includes Two Complete Sessions for the price of one. 

    by Dr. David Illig 

The RightMind program will Boost Magnify Amplify Increase the results you get from whatever Packaged Food weight loss/fitness program you are using. Yes, it will improve the results you get from Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watcher, Optifast, etc.  They should be recommending that you add RightMind to what they offer.  You will have an advantage over other people in the program. 

A four track Audio Weight Loss program that 

Reprograms your Mind/Brain for Easier Weight Loss and Fitness


Includes BOTH Awake and Sleep/Meditation Sessions for Healing and Growth

Give yourself the Power and Motivation to follow  and use your Eating and Fitness program More Easily. 

Over 1.5 million copies of Dr. Illig’s self improvement audios have been purchased and used to get results.  The RightMind programs use new technology that is designed for those who were never comfortable with either self hypnosis or subliminal programing but who still want to use the incredible hidden resources of their brain and mind.


 ❒ Add new healthy “mental software” written by Dr. David Illig which programs your mind/brain for weight loss and fitness in new healthy ways. Change thinking, feeling, action, and your body.  


❒ Use either “Awake” or “Sleep/Meditation” programs while you are doing other things. Use Awake while working on the computer, walking, driving, reading, housecleaning, yard work, exercising, etc.  Use  Sleep/Meditation while napping, sleeping, relaxing, meditating. They work whether you are paying attention or not! Program your body and mind for weight loss. 


❒ Remove old hidden mind/brain and body “programs” which have held you back in the past.  RightMind makes it much more easy. 


❒ Madison Avenue advertising, corporate food companies and many fast food chains actually plant dangerous subconscious connections to unhealthy food products and poor eating patterns. They are programming obesity. RightMind will use the power of both your conscious and subconscious minds to defeat the influence of advertising and food companies and help you protect yourself. Use it to help yourself grow stronger and more healthy. Easily. 


❒ Two Weight Loss Programs are available: This is the program  for those using one of the packaged food programs such as Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, etc. The other weight loss program is for people who are not using a food-provided program but who are doing their own general weight loss/fitness program. 

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